Our first real day in Krasnoyarsk began at about 1 o'clock in the afternoon after an almost uneventful flight. I can hear you all asking "what made it ALMOST uneventful", so I will explain.
Our flight to Krasnoyarsk was only the first leg of a flight that would end up near Vladivostok, a city near the eastern end of Russia. Being a domestic flight, and us being the only non-Russians on board, only Russian was spoken over the intercom by the flight crew so any important instructions or directions announced went over our heads. When we alight the plane in Krasnoyarsk, we had the option of boarding 1 of 2 buses. One bus went to the terminal and the other took you to a transit terminal to wait while the plane refuels. This information was lost to us and we boarded the wrong bus. My first inclination that something was array was when we were handed transfer passes and were instructed to take a seat. We tried to communicated that our intention was to stay in Krasnoyarsk, but it took a while to get that across. Finally one of the airport workers understood what we were alluding to and called a bus to take us to the arrival terminal. By the time we got there, everyone had already collected their bags and left. Our lone bags were left on the luggage belt. I can only imagine what was going through Irena's head when she didn't see us among the other passengers. Looking back, if Andrei hadn't told us that the plane was making 2 stops, and we were a little dumber, who knows where we might have ended.
Where was I..., yes, the sites...The first site is located just outside one of a few activity centers within the district. It's a sliver of green space which is flanked by streets on both sides. A central path is surrounded by grass, peppered with dandelions and a variety of trees. At first, because of it's scale and organic nature, this site scared me. But thinking about it some more, and who the intended audience is, I'm beginning to get excited. I have decided that this site will be approached as collection of many sites and have the young artists create works that are discovered and intimate. As one walks along the path they will encounter little site-specific surprises. Let's see how this pans out.
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